Raleigh Hessel

Co-founder of Runte

Telecom operators are choosing additional strategies for entering new markets, collaborating with various players from a variety of segments, including in the digital sphere.

12.30 - 1.30 PM

Day - 1 5 Dec

How in-house B2B products make B2C efficient

6.00 - 7.00 PM

Day - 1 5 Dec

How to manage the food team at the renovation

12.30 - 1.30 PM

Day - 2 6 Dec

Engage the organization in the transformation on remoteness: from team members to the Members of the Board of the Bank

Engage the organization in the transformation on remoteness: from team members to the Members of the Board of the Bank

6.00 - 7.00 PM

Day - 2 6 Dec

How to take what you can't take: the decomposition of the backlog

If you often have to read the following:

- No, you can't fit it into one sprint!

- There is no place to do it, the smallest user table does not exist.

- This is a single whole, there is no way to divide the task into several parts...

Then this workshop is for you.

You will learn how to decomponent elements of the book, how to do it, and also try with your own hands a number of effective methods, which will always be useful for you.